The bible can be an intimidating book for most people. A St. Barbara Bible Study group helps you understand what you are reading and turns your fears into enthusiasm and a thirst for knowledge. We use the Collegeville Bible Series books as a guide for our group readings and discussions.
Currently we offer two different study groups for your convenience. No prior knowledge of the Bible or experience is necessary. Come, listen and learn together.
The parish provides religious education for the children who do not attend a Catholic grade school. All baptized students in first through eighth grades, whose families are registered and active parishioners of St. Barbara, and are attending public schools or are home schooled should enroll in the CCD Program. Classes follow suggested guidelines of the Diocese of Covington. These classes are required before students are admitted to the preparation, classes for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
As laity in the Church, we are called to be apostles spreading God’s word to each person in the environments where He has planted us. The Cursillo Movement was established to help prepare us to live out that mission. The Movement starts with a three day retreat weekend called a Cursillo. During the weekend, presentations given by laypersons and spiritual advisors , help participants gain a better understanding of themselves and the circumstances in other’s lives that have influenced their spiritual journey. Following the retreat, participants become members of the Cursillo Community living out their lives sharing the fundamentals of their Christian faith with their neighbors.
The Cursillo Movement’s motto is simple: “Make a Friend, Be a Friend, Bring a Friend to Christ.”7
Members of the Faith and Fellowship Committee invite parishioners and guests to develop body, mind and spirit through adult education in the Sterling Event Center. The monthly sessions address topics chosen by the parish, such as prayer, conflict resolution and scripture. Previous speakers include medical professionals, Biblical scholars, authors, university professors, religious and community leaders.
OCIA, or the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, is the way that people get initiated into the Christian way of life, specifically in the Roman Catholic Tradition.
Here at St Barbara we generally meet with interested persons from late Summer through Spring but the process is adaptable to allow for a person to investigate the Faith and to proceed at their own pace and to enter into the Church when they are deemed ready by the catechist and the Pastor.
Walking With Purpose is a Catholic Bible Study ministry for women that combines scripture study with Christian fellowship for a truly unique experience. Our participants journey together each week, using the Bible as a guide toward deeper, more personal relationships with Jesus Christ. The program uses a combination of at home personal study and small group discussions to link everyday life, with its challenges and struggles, to solutions given to us in Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Every woman is welcome, regardless of faith tradition, experience, age or background. The content of our Bible studies appeals to a wide variety of women, including those experienced at studying Scripture and those just learning to navigate the Bible. The Walking With Purpose program begins in late September and ends in April of each year. However, you can join at any time since the lessons are each “stand-alone.”
Welcome (formerly known as Christ Renews His Parish, or CRHP) addresses the everyday questions and struggles we all have, and helps people discover what’s missing in their lives and what to do about it. The Welcome experience begins with a weekend retreat held in the Sterling Event Center. During the weekend, strong and faith-filled women of the parish reveal how God encouraged and strengthened them through their struggles. Bible passages are referenced to lend solutions to everyday problems in our lives. The weekend welcomes the women of the parish to enjoy some quiet time away from their busy lives and to be pampered with free delicious meals, uplifting conversations, and lasting friendships. As a result of the Women’s Welcome, there are more people who are actively involved in our parish and more engaged in the lives of our fellow parishioners.
Something wonderful is happening in our parish, and Welcome is a part of it!