

Sacrament of Baptism*: Baptism Preparation classes are required before having your child baptized. Please call the office about classes at least a month before scheduling a baptism. Baptisms are performed on Sundays. Call the office for further information.

First Reconciliation, First Communion & Confirmation*: In conjunction with our CCD program we invite the parents of children who are enrolled to attend the necessary preparation programs required to fulfill these sacraments. Children must have a year of religious education before asking to take part in any one of these sacraments. For further information or questions, contact our Coordinator of Religious Education.

Sacrament of Marriage*: Couples who are interested in being married within the Catholic faith need to follow the Diocesan requirements for marriage preparation. You must contact the office at least six months before planning the wedding celebration.

Sacrament of the Sick*: Those who are confined to their homes or in hospitals can arrange for the Sacraments of Anointing of the Sick, Reconciliation, and Eucharist by calling the parish office. Please notify the office about someone who is ill and in need of a visit.

Funerals*: Please call the parish office to make arrangements. The Bereavement Committee will assist families in planning the liturgy during this difficulty time.


* Please note you must be a registered parishioner of the parish

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