Our Ministries

Our Ministries

We all have gifts from God, and we are all called to serve one another through our Baptism. When we are willing to share a piece of ourselves with others, our gifts unfold, and we, as well as others, benefit in ways that only God knows and directs.

You are invited and warmly encouraged to take an active part in your Parish Community, in particular, to embrace our mission of “living the fullness of Christian life by virtue of Baptism, Confirmation and the perfection of love.” Joining in also means active participation in the liturgies: singing, praying, responding and being attentive. Connecting with those who sit around you in the pews helps to create a familiar atmosphere. Remember that a smile and a hearty “hello” go a long way to make a new parishioner or visitor feel welcome and at home among us.

Please read through each description and if you are interested in any of our ministries contact the office for the most current contact information. For your convenience, we list the ministries, current leaders and the standing monthly meeting dates and times in the weekly church bulletin.

Click on the button below to download a Welcome Guide or call the parish office for more info 859-371-3100.
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