Church Committees

Church Committees

Please call the office 859-371-3100 or see the bulletin for Ministry contact information.

Finance Council 

The finance council of St. Barbara Church is the committee responsible for establishing the annual church operating budget and monitoring how the funds of the parish are generated and spent. The council is governed by the code of Cannon Law 537. The council consists of the pastor, deacon, business manager and nine members of the parish who are required to be in good standing with expertise in matters of finance or civil law. In conjunction with the pastor, the Finance Council provide good stewardship of parish finances and ensures that members of the parish receive an understandable annual financial report. 

The council is always looking for qualified people with a solid financial background to help keep the parish on the right track. 

Parish Development 

The mission of the Parish Development is to teach the responsibility and accountability that each of us has to return thanks for all God’s gifts by inspiring the members of the parish to commit themselves as true disciples of Jesus Christ. The committee has a responsibility to inspire, enable and encourage parishioners to share their gifts of time, talent and treasure for the good of all.


Pastoral Council 

In cooperation with the pastor, the Pastoral Council provides consultation necessary to fulfill the mission of St. Barbara Parish. 

The Council is comprised of both voting and non-voting members. The ex officio members are the Pastor, the Deacon, the Coordinator of Religious Education, the Youth Minister, the Deanery Pastoral Council Representative, and one member of the parish finance council chosen by the pastor. Remaining members of the Council are chosen from among parish nominees. 

Worship Committee 

In order to successfully build the Kingdom of God, the Parish must provide meaningful worship services and Catholic education programs for parishioners and other individuals of all ages. The goals and purpose of the committee is to provide opportunities for parishioners to grow in their faith through liturgical celebrations, programs and activities. 

In addition they also are able to focus on the needs of the entire worshiping community and the assembly. They oversee the recruitment, training and evaluation of liturgical ministers and jointly prepare with the Coordinator of Religious Education for all the sacramental celebrations such as baptism, confirmation, first communion, etc. They assist in preparation of the weekend liturgies, for special occasions and Holy Days. 

The Worship Committee is comprised of the following essential ministers: 

  • Altar Society Members - maintain and enhance the beauty of the church each week. No training is needed. 
  • Teachers of the Children’s Liturgy - present the Liturgy of the Word in age appropriate language to our youngest parishioners during the 11:00 AM Mass. 
  • Eucharistic Ministers - assist in the distribution of Holy Communion during Masses. Training is required. 
  • Special Ministers of Holy Communion - distribute the Eucharist to residents at two local senior living facilities, Woodspoint and Emerald Trace. As above, training is required. 
  • Hospitality Ministers - serve as ambassadors of our parish. They welcome guests with a smile, offer directions and provide assistance to those who need it. No training is needed. 
  • Lectors - proclaim the readings at Mass. All confirmed and practicing Catholics can lector after a short instructional class. 
  • Music Ministers - include vocalists and musicians who provide this essential element of worship. Those interested in volunteering their musical talents can contact the Coordinator of Music for an audition. 
  • Sacristans - are the unsung heroes of every liturgy. The sacristans open the church, prepare the offertory gifts and procession, and ensure that all liturgical ministers are in attendance. Their attention to detail is vital to the celebration of the Mass. Training is needed. 
  • Altar Servers - are uniquely positioned to participate alongside the priest and deacons in the preparation of the Eucharist. All parishioners age 10 and over are eligible to become a part of this special ministry. Training is needed. 
  • Vocations Crucifix Volunteers - receive a crucifix at Mass, take it home, and pray for vocations throughout the week. They return the crucifix prior to Mass the following week. No training is needed. 

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