Fellowship & Social Committees

Fellowship & Social Committees

Please call the office 859-371-3100 or see the bulletin for Ministry contact information.

Caring 50+ Club 

The Caring 50+ Club is a group of parishioners who gather together on the last Thursday of the month for the 10:00 mass, followed by a luncheon and time spent sharing conversations, playing cards or just having fun. Join us! 

Festival - Rocktoberfest 

Rocktoberfest, our annual parish festival energizes parishioners, enlivens spirit, and shares our faith, fun and fellowship with the community. It’s a three day event you can’t miss. Be a part of the fun! 

The festival is always looking for new ideas and talent to keep it a vital part of the fellowship of St. Barbara Church. if interested, please contact the office.. Our planning begins in February for the September festival. 

Grounds, Maintenance, & Spare Time Parishioner Club 

The campus requires much maintenance and attention to keep it as one of the shining jewels within the Covington Diocese. The Spare Time Parishioner Club has been established as part of the grounds and maintenance crew to allow individuals to use their unique talents and skills. The members of this group (open to all parishioners - men and women) meet after 10:00 mass on Fridays for an hour or so of fellowship and campus maintenance followed by a group lunch at church. All talents and skills are welcomed. 

Holy Dames 

The Holy Dames are faith-filled women who serve the parish and the larger community. They change the world by doing small things with love and kindness. Through financial assistance and prayers, the Holy Dames support a Maryknoll mission for the marginalized and “differently-abled” in Nepal. The Holy Dames provide desserts for the Lenten Fish Frys and operate the concessions at the Fall Turkey Shoots. They also host the summer Pink Party and the Christmas party. Holy Dames can be found actively involved in almost every ministry at St. Barbara’s. 

Holy Name Society 

The Holy Name Society enhances spiritual enrichment while building a social community of men of the parish and other men throughout the Diocese. They support meaningful liturgy for the parish by providing the altar bread and wine for consecration during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They financially assist the parish in meeting unbudgeted expenses, especially youth, fellowship and religious programs. They provide assistance to the poor, especially parish members and encourage and promote the stewardship of time, talent and treasure of our members. 

This ministry hosts many special events to keep the fellowship of the parish active. The annual Turkey Shoot, Keeneland Trip, Lenten Fish Frys, assistance with the annual Parish Picnic, Spring and Fall campus cleanup and Cursillo sponsorships are just a few ways this ministry lends their service and support. 

Young Adult Group 

The Young Adult Group is a friendly and faith-filled community of young adults that fosters continued parish involvement throughout our parishioners' lives. We meet the first Sunday of every month after the 9AM Mass. Stop by the Sterling Event Center to see what we are all about and make some new friends along the way. We welcome ages 18 to 40. If you have any questions, we can be contacted at youngadults@stbarbaraky.org. See you soon!

Youth Group 

The parish Youth Group was established to help young people share God’s love on their level and allow them to be involved in church activities. We emphasize the importance of helping within the parish and outside our community to show youth how to have fun while providing service to others. We let kids know it’s cool to be CATHOLIC! 

There are many events that pop up throughout the year based on need and interest. The Youth Group always has something exciting going on. For the latest events visit the St. Barbara website or stop in the Welcome Center and pick up a flyer.

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