The purpose of this contingency plan is to inform festival Chairs, Captains and Volunteers in procedures to follow in the case of severe inclement weather. The goal is not to cancel the festival, but rather move food and game items into the Sterling Event Center (SEC) to continue the event and recoup potential lost revenue.
Communication is KEY! Below is a list of roles and responsibilities and next steps to take so you are informed and know who to contact with questions. NOTE: It is extremely important for Chairs/Captains to communicate with Steering and Volunteers. Please don’t make any assumptions about cancellation of the festival or what will be set-up within the SEC.
PLEASE BE SURE YOU HAVE THE ST. BARBARA APP installed on your phone (Select YES for offline caching and push notifications). This will be one of the primary means of communication.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Security/Steering Chair – Is to determine safety of situation, to cancel or proceed.
- Warehouse Steering – Is to set up tables and to help coordinate areas within SEC.
- Grounds Steering – Is to coordinate exterior areas and to move necessary items into exterior warehouse
- Finance Steering – Will work with Security (as needed) for all cash related needs
- Food Concession Steering – Will identify food items to be sold/moved into SEC.
- Beverage Concession Steering – Will identify beverages to be sold/moved into SEC.
- Adult Gaming, Children Gaming and Family Gaming Steering – To coordinate with chairs for games to be moved into SEC or put into storage
- Marketing Steering – will work with Security, Steering Chairmen to push information via social media avenues
Safety Is Our First Priority!
- In case of severe inclement weather, all volunteers and guests will be notified by festival Security and Steering members with steps to take to ensure the safety of all.
- Grounds are to be evacuated and volunteers/guests are to be moved into the SEC or the church.
- If Safety/Security has determined that festival patrons are
not in any serious danger, then the following procedures are to take place:
- STEERING – will notify Chairs via phone/text of current plan. They will make all efforts to send out updates thru the St. Barbara APP/email and Facebook.
- CHAIRS – you will be the first line of communication. Please ensure that all of your Captains are notified of current conditions. You and your captains will be responsible for moving your booths to their proper location. Please be sure they are made aware of their location and what they are to do.
- CAPTAINS – are to contact volunteers to report as needed. It will be all hands-on deck to move identified games, concessions and misc. festival items into the SEC or exterior Warehouse. Captains, please assist your volunteers in coordination of efforts in moving items/setting up “new booth” areas.
- ALL BOOTH ITEMS ARE TO BE SECURED! Please remove gaming wheels, game boards, prizes, liquor, food and non-perishable items from booth.
- The SEC will be sectioned off into the following specified areas: Adult Games, Family Games, Children Games and Concessions.
– Please be sure tents, garbage cans misc. items are secure, and public is safe.
- VOLUNTEERS – Please assist your Chairs and Captains in any way you can. If your area is taken care of, ask if there are other areas that could use your help.
Food Concessions:
- Food items to be sold within the
SEC are subject to weather conditions. If severe weather/lightening conditions are present, then all outside fryer activity will be discontinued. See Food Concession Steering member for further details. An alternate menu will have been established. Food items are to be set up in the
NORTH EAST corner of the
SEC. See your steering member for further information. Concession Captains/Chairs should assist with set up of tables, booth items etc.
- Donuts will continue to be made in
SEC kitchen area and be sold from concession table or via roaming
- Family Chicken Dinner will continue as planned. Food concessions will need assistance in “resetting” the tables and chairs for Sunday’s dinner. Grill food items will still be available during chicken dinner offering.
Drink Concessions:
- Bottled/canned alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be made available and sold out of the
SEC BAR AREA or mobile bar. Specialty drinks (i.e. bourbon, vodka mixed drinks) will remain within the Happy Hour tent if weather permits. If storms are severe or lightening is present, then the Happy Hour tent will be shut down. No mixed drinks will be sold within the SEC. Since space is at a premium not everything will be served.
See Drink Concession Chair for further details.
- Draught beer may be continued to be sold from draught beer truck if weather is permitting.
Children Games:
- 6 Children games (space permitting) will be set up along the
EAST wall of the SEC.
- Games included are: Top 6 games & Prize Redemption – see Steering Chair for confirmation of games to move into the SEC. All other games are to be placed back into storage.
Please see your Children Games Steering member for further details.
Adult Games:
- Adult Games will be located along the
WEST wall of the SEC.
- Possible Games Included Are: Run for the Roses, 21, Beat the Dealer, Pull Tabs/Split the Pot. Liquor Ring Toss
NOTE: Liquor Ring toss will be centered on the SOUTH curtain wall. Pull Tabs/Split the Pot will have a table to set tickets etc. on but workers will roam the space to sell tickets.
Family Games:
- Family games are to be set up along the
SOUTH curtain wall of the SEC.
- Possible Games Included Are: Target Takedown, Ricochet, Big 6, Spin to Win, Ducky Downs. NOTE: Big 6 and Spin to Win will occupy the same space. Ducky Downs will remain outside, but workers may roam the SEC to sell race tickets. Regular Duck races ($1 per ticket) may run at the discretion of the booth captain/chair if weather permits. If severe weather, then all races will be canceled. ONLY the PRESOLD RACES ($100, $50, $25) may be required to run. Again, if severe weather then please see Steering Committee for decision.
- Bid ‘N Buy will be set up in the
double class rooms in the Rushman Hall. See map for location. Bid ‘N Buy chair will direct team for setup.
- Sunday Desserts will be moved into the
Baumann Hall
- Grand Raffle Tickets may be continued to be sold. Workers will roam SEC to sell tickets. A high-top table can be set up anywhere space permits to showcase the ticket drum.