Welcome to St. Barbara Church


Mass Times

Weekend Masses

Saturday Vigil  4:30pm

Sunday  9:00am, 11:00am

Weekday Masses

Eucharistic Service Monday  10:00am

Tuesday - Friday  10:00am


Saturday  3:45pm

(or by appointment)


We're glad you're here

Welcome to St. Barbara Parish. We are part of God’s Family and part of the Roman Catholic church that embraces the people of Erlanger, Independence, Elsmere and nearby neighborhoods. Ours is a parish that dates back to 1967. Over the span of that time we have been blessed with many loving, generous, and holy people. As you enter St. Barbara’s we certainly hope you find us to be a warm and welcoming parish. Take a virtual stroll through our website, or even better, join us at Sunday mass. We can't wait to personally greet and get to know you. See you soon!


Upcoming Events

Lenten Series
Mar 15, 19, 26 & Apr 2, 9

Wednesday evenings after 7pm Mass. Theme reflections on: Repentance - turning your life around, Healing your body and spirit, Self-emptying, Prayer, Selfless giving, and Fasting - from foods, drink or hurtful behaviors.

Stations of the Cross

Every Wed during Lent

Please join us every Wednesday during Lent at 6:30PM for the Stations of the Cross. Mass will follow at 7PM.

Fish Fry
March 7- April 11

Click on the button below to view the menu and sign up to volunteer! Also.. be sure to check out pics from last year!

Menu & Volunteer
Lenten Pilgrimage

April 12

Start and end your individual journey on foot or by car at any of the five historic churches on the 4.3-mile pilgrimage route. Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, St Benedict, St Augustine, St John and Mother of God.

For more information about what is happening at St. Barbara Church, check out our calendar.


Live Streaming Mass

Can't make it to a service? Watch mass live or watch our most recent services from the archive.

Our Mission

We, the saints and sinners of St. Barbara Parish, are a Roman Catholic Community.
Through joyful Eucharistic worship and loving community, we strive through Jesus and the Holy Spirit to build the Kingdom of God on Earth as we prepare for the Kingdom of Heaven. We seek to serve others individually and as a parish according to God’s plan for us; we are the Body of Christ.

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